Integrations Page
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The Integrations page is your hub for managing connections between your Mobb organization and external platforms. This feature helps you manage your existing and new integrations across various tools, such as cloud code platforms, hosted code platforms, SAST tools, and CI/CD tools.
Each integration displays its status (e.g., connected or disconnected). Users can quickly configure, reconfigure, or switch between connections.
To access the Integrations page, use the icon located at the left navigation panel.
This section allows users to integrate cloud-based source code repositories. It includes platforms that Mobb currently supports, including GitHub, GitLab, Azure Repos, and Bitbucket.
View the status of connections (e.g., connected/disconnected).
Click Configure to set up or modify integrations.
Switch between different accounts for a platform.
Example: The screenshots below illustrate a configured GitHub connection. To re-configure the connection, use the Configure button:
In this example, the Configure GitHub screen shows:
The connected account: antonychiu2
Options to Disconnect or Switch to another GitHub account.
This section will show your connection to the currently supported on-premise repositories:
GitHub Enterprise Server
GitLab Server
Azure DevOps Server
Here are the steps to set up a connection to your hosted code platform:
Request a Broker Token
with the Mobb support team at
After a Broker Token
is obtained, follow the Mobb broker setup guide.
Grant permission to your repository by providing a SCM Token
(guide coming soon)
Load the SCM Token
into Mobb Portal by clicking on the "Configure" button next to the Hosted Code Platform of your choice. Afterward, provide your SCM token as shown below. (Alternatively, you can use the Mobb CLI to load the SCM token as shown here)
The SAST Tools section allows users to integrate Static Application Security Testing tools. These tools analyze your code for vulnerabilities and report potential security issues.
Supported SAST Tools:
GitHub CodeQL
The CI/CD section helps users link CI/CD pipelines for efficient delivery and deployment workflows.
Supported CI/CD tools:
GitHub Actions
GitLab Pipeline
Bitbucket Pipelines
Azure DevOps Pipeline
Mobb CLI
Confirm in the Mobb portal that the connection is established.