User Management

You can invite additional users to your Mobb organization under "Members & Permission" in the Settings menu. This is required if you wish to invite your team members to participate in the Mobb fix process.

Adding users

After logging in to Mobb, you can find the Settings menu on the bottom left-hand side. From there, click on "Invite Users" on the top right.

Enter the user's email address you wish to invite, then select a role.

Then click on "Add Member" to complete the invitation.

The invited user must also register for a Mobb account by visiting and completing the registration process. Afterward, they will automatically be added to your Mobb organization.

There are three user roles: Owner, Manager, and Member.

Here are their respective permissions:

Organization PermissionOwnerManagerMember

Invite users to org

Edit and cancel invitations

Edit members permissions

Remove members from org

View and edit billing info

Create projects

Participate in org’s projects

Last updated