Project Settings

A "project" in Mobb is a folder where all your fix reports are stored. "Projects folders" allow organization administrators to control the location where a fix report should be stored, while "Project settings" allow the project admin or the organization administrator to control which users should have access to individual projects.

Accessing my projects

Project Settings (Project Members & Permissions)

To access the "Projects Settings" page for a particular project, you must first navigate to the project itself. If you don't see your project, please reach out to your organization administrator.

Once you arrive at the project page, look for the 3 dots (Kebab Menu) icon -> Select "Project settings"

Once you arrive at the Project Settings page, you will have the ability to perform the following actions:

  1. Add new users to the project

  2. Edit permissions of existing Users

  3. Delete existing users from the project

Adding New Members to the Project

To add members to your project, click on "Add Members" on the top right. The following screen should appear.

Required fields:

  • Email: Put the email address of the user you wish to include to the project

  • Role: Select "Admin," "Writer," or "Reader" based on this user's role. See the table below for more details about the role permissions.

To add new members to the project, ensure the user already exists in your organization. If the user is not yet part of your organization, follow the User Management guide to add them first.

Last updated