Working with the Fix Report

The fix report page allows you to browse through the fixes available for your project

Fix report page overview

The top banner provides users with the following information:

  • Overview of the fix report, such as the name of the project, repository link, branch name, git hash, and whether there are code version issues.

  • Analysis version. If multiple versions are available, click on the drop-down to select other previous runs.

  • Report expiry (default is 2 weeks). If extension is required, click on the 3 dots to extend it by 30 days.

  • Fix status: Calculates the number of fixes in ready, committed, downloaded status

  • Top issues by type

Committing a large number of fixes

Once you have reviewed fixes for a particular issue type, you have the option of committing multiple fixes at the same time. To do so,

  1. Select the checkbox for the issue type

  2. Confirm the number of fixes you will be committing

  3. Select either "Commit Fixes" or "Download"

  4. If "Commit Fixes" is selected, this will bring up the "Commit changes" screen which will allow you to submit the fixes

Search and filtering fixes

You can filter the fixes by using the "Add filter" button. There are different filter parameters available:

  • Dev Owner

  • Issue Type

  • Status

  • Confidence

  • PowerUp

  • Severity

  • Language

  • Effort

Fixing Effort

Fixing effort is an indicator of the level of effort required to complete a particular fix. This can be viewed in the fix report page under the "Effort" column as shown:

Currently, there are 3 levels of fixing effort:

Last updated